Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are You Listening?

I just came across this quote on FB when I was trying to figure out how to start this post.  This sums it up, this is my goal as a mother.  Besides the obvious reasons for our volunteer trip to Africa (we love animals, we believe they have every right to be here, they need our help!) this is exactly what started it.

My daughter wants to be a Zoologist and save endangered species.  She is only 11 years old, this gives me 2 options;

1.  Pat her on the head and say, that's nice, you should go play zoo with your stuffed animals.
2.  Fly her to Africa and let her help real lions, rhinos, monkeys, cervals and who knows what.  Let her get up at dawn. Let her work in the summer heat of Africa.  Let her get scratched, bitten and stepped on by these wild animals, maybe even come home with a scar or two.  Let her see how much work it takes to raise thousands of dollars in order to volunteer.  Let her go into a malaria area and take pills and get shots. 
Does this sound like a lot for an 11 year old to take on?

Well, I opt for #2 because this is how I see it;
  1. Let her chase her dreams!
  2. Let her really do something to help.
  3. Let her have the experience of a lifetime.
  4. Let her know, I take her seriously and if she wants to save the animals, then that's exactly what we are going to help do!
  5. Let her know SHE CAN make a difference in the world!

Because of this my 11 year old and I will travel to South Africa in December, 2012.  During those 3 weeks we will work each day at a sanctuary called Care for Wild Africa to care for infant wildlife who may have been orphaned due to poaching or injured due to anything.  She will have many lessons on these animals, learn what it takes to care for them, learn what the people trying to save them are up against. 

There are many opportunities for families to volunteer.  If you or your child have a vision, a passion or just want to do something helpful then go do it.  Too many leave it up to the next guy.  If we all left it up to the next guy, who would help?

My daughter will no doubt have the best time "playing" with these animals but I think, I hope, she comes back with a larger view of the world and what it means to really step outside of the "box" and go after exactly what you want.

**To follow our journey to Africa please visit our FB page:
We are sharing everything we have been doing to raise our donation $$ and will post during our time in Africa to share our experience.

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