Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fun size treat... Trick or treat?

Halloween is upon us and some neighborhoods are already trick-or-treating. Even if the kids haven't filled up their bags around the neighborhood you probably already have the candy ready to go and maybe even one of those bags happened to pop open.
How bad can a tiny piece of candy be?
If you eat one, probably not that bad, but seriously... Who eats only one?!

A little info to keep in mind:  the following are all Fun Size servings.
Candy             Calories
Snicker            72
Reese's cup      80
Almond Joy     91
Butterfinger     100
M&Ms             90
Kit Kat            73
Hershey Bar    67
Nerds              50
Sweet Tarts.   10
Mike & Ike     50
Whoppers       100
Milky Way     76

The above 12 pieces of fun size Candy = 859 calories!!

I think it's very easy to eat 12 pieces of small candy; a few while walking with the kids, a few more later at home.... And if you are like the families I know you're also cocktailing while trick-or-treating so just keep adding those calories up.

How easy is it to burn the candy off? Here's a sample:
Based on a 145lb. woman, obviously you will burn more or less based on your size, body make up and effort:

Exercising at a 5.5 pace (think of running on a treadmill at 5.5, decent jogging pace), with no breaks and not slowing down, this woman will burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.
To burn off the above candy she will have to keep the constant pace for 1 hour and 25 minutes.

That quite a bit of time for some tiny candy.  Think of this in daily life; if you're trying to lose weight and keep falling off the wagon with your eating habits it will take that much longer to see the results you want.  While you are losing you need to keep it in check, it's much easier to maintain once you are there but lots of effort and focus to get there!

Happy Halloween! Keep up your workouts before, during and after the holidays :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Still Cleaning up the Diet...

One week logging, planning is better but still working on putting it in action.
I think I will need to make it very simple, lots of the same meals and snacks planned for during the day; things that are portable since my days change constantly.  Can't fight your lifestyle but have to learn to work with it.

A quick recap:

Every morning is pretty much the same; Oatmeal and coffee, sometimes with a banana and flax oil.

Also on the menu have been hummus and pita chips, Whole Wheat English muffin with laughing cow cheese and a morning star patty.  Roast chicken with potatoes and carrots, Slow Cooker pot roast for dinners.

The weekend was chaotic.  Things weren't terrible until the Lobster Fest commercials won my family over and we hit Red Lobster for dinner....enough said!

New week:
Oatmeal and Coffee breakfast
Spinach Salad w/ Chicken and pita chips for lunch
Pesto pizza (arugala, chicken, tomatoes, pine nuts on whole wheat pita pocket)
**not home most of day, need to have travel snacks ready

Oatmeal and Coffee for breakfast
Snack: Crumpet w/ pumpkin butter and banana
Lunch: English muffin with morning start sausage and laughing cow cheese.
Snack: nuts
OOPS: handful of veggie stix and dark chocolate stick.
Dinner: Cheeseburger soup from soup swap with friends (I'm pretty sure this had a billion calories)

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ banana and coffee
Snack: Luna Bar
Lunch (out at restaurant): omelet with spinach and feta, multi-grain toast w/ jelly.
No dinner - stomach hurt after lunch.  Will probably snack on apple and peanut butter.

Stomach hurt after both spinach meals :(  Will have to incorporate it into my protein shake, seems to work well there.

Off to more planning keeping things consistent.  I always find it easier to stay on track when I have pretty much the same thing with only dinners changing.

I need a chef!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Even fitness professionals need to check in!

A year since I've used my blog...oops!
I'll be blogging on a few things here but I'm starting with tracking my diet.
Even fitness professionals can let things slip and need to check in.  I'm sure you see many pros online who are perfect and act like it's no big deal to have the perfect diet, they NEVER make a mistake or get lazy.  Maybe for some that is true, I see many people in the industry who are obsessive about it, I take a more relaxed everyday type of approach.
I am busy and cannot put all my efforts into what I eat.  I've been a bit lazy about it over the summer and now into the fall but I know it's time to get back on track or I'll be working hard at losing weight instead of a few pounds and maintaining.

I've recruited one of my friends (also in the fitness field) who knows a thing or two about needing to stay accountable and have someone to check in with.  Her and I have done multiple contests together for body fat, weight loss... but each year we make sure we are maintaining our weight from the year before and not letting a pound or two here and there sneak up so before you know it you are 15-20lbs over!

Here is a report of my fist 2 days.  For everyone else, here is how I work it; I start by tracking and doing my best to make all the good choices in week one.  I'm not obsessed with every carb or protien gram, I want to see what I am doing then make improvements:
I'm fine with about 1500 or so calories a day, when I keep the calories from good sources and increase the protein I have not had to keep my calories super low.

4:30am: Oatmeal, flax oil, coffee with sugar free creamer
8am: WW English muffin (100 kcal), morning start sausage patty, laughing cow light cheese wedge
10am: 1/2 think thin bar (yuck!), banana
2pm: Tuna packet, 1 serving wheat thins, light laughing cow cheese (LC), apple
4pm: Pumpkin Chai non fat latte at Caribou Coffee for meeting:  OOPS! Just looked this up at 390 calories!
8pm: home made Clam Chowder; more broth than thick but still made with mild and cream.

*Review: Heavy on the carbs and comes in at about 1215 calories which does not include the soup for dinner since I don't know the count. Also does not include creamer since I didn't measure.

6:30am: Oatmeal, flax oil, banana, coffee w/ sf creamer
10:45am: morning star sausage patty, WW English muffin, LC cheese, apple
2:30 Think thin nut bar
4pm: nuts (I may have to nix this snack.  Nuts can be a great idea but the calories stack up quickly, I probably had 300 calories worth and that is only 1/2 cup).

6:30pm: Chicken Bratwurst baked with apples and yams.  Check fresh french bread.

**Review: Better day, a little lighter on the carbs and some type of protein included almost each time I ate.  That is key, trying to get protein in with each meal and snack.

When it comes to carbs and cutting back I don't try to eliminate and I never count fruit toward my carb count.  Fruit has so many good things that out way worrying about the carb count.  I try to limit it to 2 pieces a day.  I'm bad about taking vitamins so definitely need to get fruits and good veggies in.
When I am using straight carbs like wheat thins and English muffins, I get the light option and count out 1 portion.