Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Still Cleaning up the Diet...

One week logging, planning is better but still working on putting it in action.
I think I will need to make it very simple, lots of the same meals and snacks planned for during the day; things that are portable since my days change constantly.  Can't fight your lifestyle but have to learn to work with it.

A quick recap:

Every morning is pretty much the same; Oatmeal and coffee, sometimes with a banana and flax oil.

Also on the menu have been hummus and pita chips, Whole Wheat English muffin with laughing cow cheese and a morning star patty.  Roast chicken with potatoes and carrots, Slow Cooker pot roast for dinners.

The weekend was chaotic.  Things weren't terrible until the Lobster Fest commercials won my family over and we hit Red Lobster for dinner....enough said!

New week:
Oatmeal and Coffee breakfast
Spinach Salad w/ Chicken and pita chips for lunch
Pesto pizza (arugala, chicken, tomatoes, pine nuts on whole wheat pita pocket)
**not home most of day, need to have travel snacks ready

Oatmeal and Coffee for breakfast
Snack: Crumpet w/ pumpkin butter and banana
Lunch: English muffin with morning start sausage and laughing cow cheese.
Snack: nuts
OOPS: handful of veggie stix and dark chocolate stick.
Dinner: Cheeseburger soup from soup swap with friends (I'm pretty sure this had a billion calories)

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ banana and coffee
Snack: Luna Bar
Lunch (out at restaurant): omelet with spinach and feta, multi-grain toast w/ jelly.
No dinner - stomach hurt after lunch.  Will probably snack on apple and peanut butter.

Stomach hurt after both spinach meals :(  Will have to incorporate it into my protein shake, seems to work well there.

Off to more planning keeping things consistent.  I always find it easier to stay on track when I have pretty much the same thing with only dinners changing.

I need a chef!

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