Thursday, October 17, 2013

Even fitness professionals need to check in!

A year since I've used my blog...oops!
I'll be blogging on a few things here but I'm starting with tracking my diet.
Even fitness professionals can let things slip and need to check in.  I'm sure you see many pros online who are perfect and act like it's no big deal to have the perfect diet, they NEVER make a mistake or get lazy.  Maybe for some that is true, I see many people in the industry who are obsessive about it, I take a more relaxed everyday type of approach.
I am busy and cannot put all my efforts into what I eat.  I've been a bit lazy about it over the summer and now into the fall but I know it's time to get back on track or I'll be working hard at losing weight instead of a few pounds and maintaining.

I've recruited one of my friends (also in the fitness field) who knows a thing or two about needing to stay accountable and have someone to check in with.  Her and I have done multiple contests together for body fat, weight loss... but each year we make sure we are maintaining our weight from the year before and not letting a pound or two here and there sneak up so before you know it you are 15-20lbs over!

Here is a report of my fist 2 days.  For everyone else, here is how I work it; I start by tracking and doing my best to make all the good choices in week one.  I'm not obsessed with every carb or protien gram, I want to see what I am doing then make improvements:
I'm fine with about 1500 or so calories a day, when I keep the calories from good sources and increase the protein I have not had to keep my calories super low.

4:30am: Oatmeal, flax oil, coffee with sugar free creamer
8am: WW English muffin (100 kcal), morning start sausage patty, laughing cow light cheese wedge
10am: 1/2 think thin bar (yuck!), banana
2pm: Tuna packet, 1 serving wheat thins, light laughing cow cheese (LC), apple
4pm: Pumpkin Chai non fat latte at Caribou Coffee for meeting:  OOPS! Just looked this up at 390 calories!
8pm: home made Clam Chowder; more broth than thick but still made with mild and cream.

*Review: Heavy on the carbs and comes in at about 1215 calories which does not include the soup for dinner since I don't know the count. Also does not include creamer since I didn't measure.

6:30am: Oatmeal, flax oil, banana, coffee w/ sf creamer
10:45am: morning star sausage patty, WW English muffin, LC cheese, apple
2:30 Think thin nut bar
4pm: nuts (I may have to nix this snack.  Nuts can be a great idea but the calories stack up quickly, I probably had 300 calories worth and that is only 1/2 cup).

6:30pm: Chicken Bratwurst baked with apples and yams.  Check fresh french bread.

**Review: Better day, a little lighter on the carbs and some type of protein included almost each time I ate.  That is key, trying to get protein in with each meal and snack.

When it comes to carbs and cutting back I don't try to eliminate and I never count fruit toward my carb count.  Fruit has so many good things that out way worrying about the carb count.  I try to limit it to 2 pieces a day.  I'm bad about taking vitamins so definitely need to get fruits and good veggies in.
When I am using straight carbs like wheat thins and English muffins, I get the light option and count out 1 portion.

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