Friday, October 12, 2012


Majority of us are on facebook, obsessed with facebook or at least have a facebook account.  I won't put everyone because the second I do someone will pipe up saying they are not on facebook...sure.

Why is this titled WTF?  Well, FB has become so many things, a fun place to share pictures, post what's going on in your day, a political platform, a business marketing tool, a place to post your own agenda to the masses (if you have masses of "friends"), share stories or just bitch about what everyone else on FB is doing.

I'm sure if I asked 100 people what FB should be used for I will get 100 different answers.  It's becoming another format for people to complain about the thoughts and actions of others...just what we need, right?

Here's the thing, if you post something silly like what you had for dinner or that you are at Whole Foods for the 5th time this week people say "Who cares.", if you post an opinion about the current Presidential race you will have some people slamming you for it, maybe even un-friending you...NOT THAT!!!!! 

I personally have 4 FB pages (yeah, I know), 2 are for business, 1 is to share support for my daughter and her charitable work for wildlife and the last is just my personal page.  I keep the biz pages and my daughters page focused on only things that pertain to the topic. My personal page (like every one's) can go any which way. 
I'm sure I have annoyed people with the sharing of multiple vacation albums but it's the best way for my family in other states to see them.  I'm sure I've made comments that are not the same view as my "friends" but if we had a conversation face-to-face I would say the same thing.  No, I'm not one way on FB and another in person.
I share a lot about animal rescue which can be cute, sad and sometimes hard to take (and believe me, I edit and do not share the wort I see).

Still, many times when I go to post something I think twice about it because I have to remember how my FB friends are... will they be offended, will they block me, will they get mad.  Really, should I even care?  It's MY FB page, right?

So, who knows what FB is supposed to be.  I figure the only thing it really is, is a bazillion dollar idea for the owner and investors.  Good for them, wish I was a computer whiz and thought of it myself.  For everyone else, it's your page so post whatever the hell you want and own it :)

Happy posting, liking, commenting, blocking, sharing....

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